Busy timber company expands storage capacity by 50 percent and doubles loading capacity
It is busy at Roust Træ A/S, which produces and supplies wood-based building elements and rafters.
Therefore, the timber company based in the south-west Jutland city of Årre is now expanding its production with a new loading hall and an expanded area for floor and roof cassettes. In addition to a considerable increase in capacity, the expansion is also part of a larger Lean strategy to develop Roust Træ to an even greater extent as a manufacturing company.
In recent years, wood has gained a strong foothold in the Danish construction sector, and this development is clearly felt at the wood company Roust Træ. Here, they have been very successful in order-producing building elements and rafters in wood specifically for construction, and Roust Træ’s growth in recent years is now bearing the consequences.
As a result of the increasing demand, the company has decided to expand its production in the south-west Jutland city of Årre with a new, 2,000 square meter loading hall. With the expansion, Roust Træ thus increases the storage capacity by 50 percent and at the same time doubles the loading capacity by going from two to four overhead cranes.
“We feel a significant demand for wood-based building elements, and therefore it is important to us that we invest in the future and are always at the forefront. We strive every day to improve, so that we can deliver just-in-time to our customers on the construction site. It is therefore extremely important that we have the right facilities, make the best possible use of time in production and our logistics. This gives our customers high delivery reliability and competitive prices,” says managing director of Roust Træ, Hans Peter Sørensen. He is complemented by production director at Roust Træ, Tue Vaaben:
“In order to keep up with demand, we need to expand our capacity so that we can produce even more – and our new loading hall will help us with that. In addition to increasing capacity, the new hall will also be closer to production itself, and this ultimately frees up both time and space. In the past, the elements had to travel from production at one end of the register to the loading halls at the opposite end, but in the future they will lie right next to each other, so that internal transport is reduced as much as possible,” he says.
In addition to a new loading hall, Roust Træ has also chosen to expand its area for floor and roof cassettes by as much as 3,500 square meters, including a defining tent of 200 square meters for burning roofing felt.
With the extended floor and roof cassette area, we get even more space for handling and storage, and it also contributes to us being able to send our deliveries faster. At the same time, we have improved our fire safety by now placing the burning of roofing felt even further away from our production, which significantly reduces the risk of fire danger, Tue Vaaben says.
From craftsman to production company
Over the past year, Roust Træ has worked to implement a higher degree of flow in order to reduce waste of time and resources in the company’s production processes, and the new expansions are thus also part of that strategy, explains Tue Vaaben:
“We are currently going through a process where Roust develops from being a craftsman company to a production company. This means that our production processes and value chains are more predetermined, and here Lean holds great potential, as it helps us to establish and refine these processes. The new loading hall is, among other things, a good example of that,” he says.
According to Tue Vaaben, the Lean systems are not only beneficial for Roust Træ and the company’s customers, but also for the environment:
“In addition to producing wood-based products, which help to protect the environment in an otherwise CO2-heavy construction sector, we are constantly working to optimize our internal processes so that they become even more environmentally friendly,” he says finally.
Roust Træ has just held a traveling party in the new hall, which according to the plan is ready for use on 1 May 2022.